Since the released of the improved Silky series, it is now by far our most loved elastic printing paste by our customers, for all the good reasons. Screen printers are now more vary and discern of the inks they use. Hence, we take into considerations of the factors screen printers are concerned of to make the improved Silky series – coverage, eased of use, feel of the ink when printed, versatility and durability of the ink.
Silky series comes in Silky White and Silky Clear, for table print and/or machine print usage. Silky White is an elastic white printing paste and can be used straight from the tube. Silky Clear is a clear transparent elastic printing paste for printing onto light coloured fabrics and to be used for mixing.
Ricky Chuan, Managing Director of ChuanPlus said, “We are an experienced Malaysia manufacturer with 30 years of history in this industry. We continue to innovate and strive forward, aiming to produce consistent and quality products to our customers, without over-promising on things. We said and we will deliver. We are happy with the print performance of our Silky series. We are glad and joyed it is also well-accepted and favoured by our customers.”